Kenzo Tange: Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium, 1962C–1964

  • Kagawa, Japan, Show on map
  • #SPO #CastInPlaceConcrete #Sculptural #East Asia
  • The iconic Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium was designed in the 1950s by Pritzker Prize winner Kenzo Tange, one of the most important architects of the 20th century. The exposed concrete building has a characteristic oval structure that rises on both sides and is supported by four huge columns. Its shape was meant to evoke a traditional Japanese wooden boat.

  • In 2014, the Gymnasium was closed after the rusting of the suspension cables supporting the concrete roof caused a leak. The unusual design of the building made repair difficult. Since then, the building has been threatened by demolition. In early 2023, local Governor Toyohito Ikeda confirmed that the high school is going to be demolished. However, at what date has not yet been determined. The news of the demolition triggered criticism from the local architectural community, which launched a petition for the preservation of the building. The political decision-makers seem to be unaware of the architectural significance of this iconic structure (last updated on February 27, 2023).