Sa'ad Mohaffel: Rashad Shawa Cultural Center, 1977D–1989

  • Gaza, Palestine, Show on map
  • #CUL #Middle East
  • Rare example of Brutalist architecture in the Palestinian territories. The two-story building was designed by Syrian architect Sa'ad Mohaffel and is located between Gaza's old city and the beach. Named after the former mayor Rashad Al Shawa, it was used as library, meeting hall and for exhibitions. It was later used by Hamas municipality. 

  • Destroyed in November 2023 during the Israel-Hamas War.

    This building was included in the red list, published in our exhibition catalog SOS Brutalism: A Global Survey (September 2017). After a status review on October 26, 2024, it was reclassified in the online database from red (endangered) to black (demolished).